







小泉信三 (*慶應義塾大学塾長、現上皇陛下の皇太子時代の教育係を務めた)















Wartime Flowers

Shinzo Koizumi (*President of Keio University, served as education officer to the current His Majesty the Emperor Emeritus as Crown Prince)

 It is not often that I go to a florist store to buy flowers myself. However, this happened once.

 It was in January of 1945, the year the war ended. It was my wife's birthday. Those days were not happy days, as people still remember. Saipan had fallen the previous summer, Leyte had been taken in the fall, and Tokyo was bombed several times a day. What would come at the end of those air raids? Forced evacuations were carried out, many houses were destroyed, and the sight of water running from faucets amidst the rubble and dust could be seen everywhere in Tokyo. In many homes, fathers and sons had been killed in the war. People seemed to be spending their days without time to think of the dead. Food had already become so scarce that many days were spent eating gruel, but many Japanese were silent and did not complain. My family was the same way. Then came my wife's birthday.

 I decided to surprise her with flowers, so after returning home from Keio in the late afternoon, I put my gaitor back on, put on my cloak, and went outside. I was there, and only my younger daughter, who knew my intention, followed me to the front door and sent me off with words of encouragement. At that time, my house was located in Mita Tsunamachi, behind Keio University. I walked over a hill and across a river (*Shibuya River, near Ichinobashi Bridge) to Azabu Juban and walked along a very gently uphill road to a flower shop in Roppongi (*current Goto Flower Shop). It was about lighting time, but there were only a few lights, and the evening's bustle of the town was nowhere to be seen. Goto's flower store, located around the corner from the main street and up a short steep hill, also had no lights and its doors were closed. I continued to knock on the glass door and call out to him for a while, until a man came out of a nearby house and opened the door for me. I followed him inside. A tall foreigner, who seemed to have been waiting for me, and a Japanese woman wearing pants and an air-raid hood followed me.

 Flowers were few and far between, but standing in the midst of the multicolored blossoms, I found it easy to forget the gloom of the outside world. I was in good health at the time, and I liked (and loved) exercise. I felt exhilarated after walking a mile or so, and I was in a good mood as I suddenly entered from the dark gray of the outdoors and stood amidst the beautiful flowers. In response to the store keeper's question as to what I should give her, I said, "It's a gift for a woman's birthday, so take your pick”. After I said that, although strictly speaking it was not a lie ... . I felt myself laughing, thinking that I had said something unnecessary, something that sounded like something you would hear in a Western popular fiction novel.

 The florist chose daffodils, arabesque (*stock) with white and light red flowers, and an erika (Erica purpurea) with a mishmash of small light purple flowers. I said yes, and the florist wrapped them in a bundle and wrapped it in paper.

 As I was leaving the store after receiving the flowers, my eyes met the woman who had entered after me and was waiting for me. For a moment, the expression behind the air-raid hood moved. Before I could wonder who it was, she called out my name. I said, "My name is N. I used to see you at Mr. T's mansion”.

 I immediately remembered. The Marquis T (*Tokugawa) was the successor to my father's father, a former feudal lord (*Kishu Tokugawa). Some twenty years ago, we returned from Europe at about the same time. Upon his return, T, who was a music lover, invited many musicians from home and abroad to his house and held a soirée. I often joined the lively gathering and listened to the performances of the guests. Some of the musicians were still in training at the conservatory or had just graduated and showed great promise. Mr. N was one of them, and we heard him sing several times under the brilliant lights. Now that I have to fear air raids every night, I remember it as if it were a world more distant than my dreams of long ago.

 There was a time like that, we both said. But it's nice to know that you can still buy flowers at a flower shop in Tokyo. I said. We laughed and parted, and I left the store.

 When I left, it was a night with a full moon outside. I looked out over the lawn from the Azabu hill and saw the big moon peeking over the rooftops on the hill across the valley. The sky was bright and windless. It was a rare warm night in the cold, and there was no warning of an enemy attack. With a bunch of flowers I had bought under my arm, I strode down the hill in a buoyant mood, wielding my walking stick. At this critical stage of the war, coming to a flower shop to buy flowers for my wife's birthday seemed to me to be an act of defiance of the attack, and I was amused by it. It also seemed to add color to my act that I happened to meet a long-dead artist, a female artist, at the florist's store. I happily walked home along the mile-long road.

 My wife was surprised at the gift. Both daughters praised their father's act. In front of the flowers that my wife had arranged so quickly, my wife and I sat down at the dinner table with her brother, who had been invited for the evening, to celebrate her fiftieth birthday. It was the spring of my fifty-eighth birthday.

 In retrospect, this is one of the few bright memories of the last days of the war.


東京は花の都! 周辺十里はすべて花の産地です  大正2年の東京の花事情 『新公論』に掲載の記事


泉鏡花の忘れ得ぬ花体験 枯れても惜しくて2階から散華した